Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Meaning of Sheela Ki Jawani

प्रस्तुत उत्तेजक गीत हिन्दी फिल्म जगत के नवीनतम रत्न 'तीस मार खान' से लिया गया है. यह गाना नायिका के संगमरमर जैसे शरीर से आकर्षित होने वाले लंगोट के ढीले पुरुषों पर नायिका की अपमानजनक प्रतिक्रया को व्यक्त करता है. नायिका उन्हें सीधे और कटु शब्दों में बताना चाहती है कि शीशे के पीछे रसगुल्ले की ख्वाहिश करना एक बात है और उसे चखना दूसरी बात!

I know you want it
But you never gonna get it
Tere haath kabhi na aani
Maane na maane koi duniya
Yeh saari, mere ishq ki hai deewani

गाने की शुरुआत नायिका के ईमानदारीपूर्ण वक्तव्य से होती है. वो जानती है कि इन मर्दों को उसकी भावनाओं, दिल और प्रेम से कोई सरोकार नहीं. वो तो बस एक ही चीज चाहते हैं. पर वो उन्हें मिलने वाली नहीं. उन्हें मुंह में भर आये पानी से ही अपनी प्यास बुझानी होगी. दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण, परन्तु सत्य.

Hey hey, I know you want it
but you never gonna get it
Tere haath kabhi na aani
Maane na maane koi duniya
yeh saari Mere ishq ki hai deewani
Ab dil karta hai haule haule se
Main toh khud ko gale lagaun
Kisi aur ki mujhko zaroorat kya
Main toh khud se pyaar jataun

नायिका पुनः दर्जनों पुरुषों में उसके प्रति जगी वासना पर प्रकाश डालती है. वो अपने आस-पास मंडराते छिछोरों को बताती है कि उनकी दाल नहीं गलने वाली. पर साथ ही यहाँ नायिका के व्यक्तित्व का एक और पक्ष उजागर होता है. सौंदर्य से जागृत अहंकार का पक्ष. वो अपनी सुन्दरता से इतनी प्रभावित है कि उसे किसी पुरुष की ज़रुरत नहीं. वो अपने अन्दर की स्त्री के लिए खुद ही पुरुष बन जाना चाहती है. अब इसे अहंकार की पराकाष्ठा कहें या आत्म-प्रेम की मादकता!

what's my name
what's my name
what's my name
My name is Sheela
Sheela ki jawani
I'm just sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani
Na na na sheela
Sheela ki jawani
I'm just sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani

अब नायिका अपना परिचय देती है. अपना नाम बताती है. और नाम भी ऐसा जो बूढ़ी नसों के लिए वायाग्रा का काम करे. उनमें यौवन का झंझावात ला दे. नाम बताने के साथ वो यह भी बताती है कि वो बहुत ही ज़्यादा सेक्सी है. अपने मुंह मियाँ मिट्ठू. पर इस आत्म-प्रशंसा में भी अहंकार की सुगंध है. वो खुद को इतना ज़्यादा सेक्सी बताती है कि वो सबकी पहुँच से बाहर है. एक ऐसे चन्द्रमा की तरह जिसकी चांदनी तो सबको उपलब्ध है, पर उस चाँद को छूकर उसे महसूस करना किसी के बस की नहीं. यहाँ यह सिद्ध होता है है कि नायिका सौंदर्य की साधक ही नहीं, बल्कि अहंकार से भरी चुड़ैल भी है.

Take it on
Take it on
Take it on
Take it on

अब नायिका सीधे शब्दों में चुनौती देती है. एक ऐसी चुनौती जो शायद मर्दों में शराब के बिना भी साहस ला दे.

Silly silly silly silly boys
O o o you're so silly
Mujhe bolo bolo karte hain
O o oHaan jab unki taraf dekhun,
baatein haule haule karte hain
Hai magar, beasar mujh par har paintra

अब नायिका उनका उपहास करती है. उन्हें मूर्ख कहकर पुकारती है. उन्हें ज़लील करती है. वो मर्द नायिका के बारे में गुप-चुप बातें कर सकते हैं, पर उसके सामने जुबां नहीं खोल पाते. वासना और कायरता का ये अद्भुत संगम है.

Haye re aise tarse humko
Ho gaye sober se re
Sookhey dil pe megapan ke
teri nazariya barse re
I know you want it
but you never gonna get it
Tere haath kabhi na aani
SheelaSheela ki jawani
I'm just sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani
Na na na sheela
Sheela ki jawani
I'm just sexy for you
Main tere haath na aani

यहाँ आखिरकार वासना से मदहोश मर्द कुछ बोलने की हिम्मत जुटाते हैं. वो धीमे स्वर में अपनी इच्छा ज़ाहिर करते हैं. वो बोलते हैं कि नायिका का फिसलता बदन उनके बंजर दिलों में प्रेम का अंकुर ला रहा है. मानो नायिका को उनकी असली इच्छा का पता ही नहीं. इसलिए वह उन्हें फिर से याद दिलाती है कि दिन में सपने देखना छोड़ दें.

यह ख़ूबसूरत गीत आज ही नहीं, सदियों से चला आ रही नर और नारी की मानसिकता को उजागर करता है. नारी हज़ारों घंटे श्रृंगार और व्यायाम में बिताकर इस लायक दिखती है कि मर्द उस पर गिद्ध जैसी नज़रें डालें. पर जब वो नज़रें डालते हैं तो नायिका उन्हें चूजा सिद्ध कर देती है. नर भी कम नहीं. वो नारी के शारीरिक आकर्षण के सामने आपा खो बैठते हैं. जब वासना शिखर पर होती है तो साहस लुकाछिपी खेल रहा होता है. अब ऐसे में मिलन हो तो कैसे हो? इसी सवाल के साथ यह गीत श्रोताओं और दर्शकों के मन में एक कसक छोड़ जाता है.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rajinikanth : Facts of Life

* Rajinikanth makes onions cry

* Rajinikanth can delete the Recycle Bin.

* Ghosts are actually caused by Rajinikanth killing people faster than Death can process them.

* Rajinikanth can build a snowman….. out of rain.

* Rajinikanth can strangle you with a cordless phone.

* Rajinikanth can drown a fish.

* When Rajinikanth enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on,……… …. he turns the dark off.

* When Rajinikanth looks in a mirror the mirror shatters, because not even glass is stupid enough to get in between Rajinikanth and Rajinikanth.

* Brett Favre can throw a football over 50 yards. Rajinikanth can throw Brett Favre even further.

* The last digit of pi is Rajinikanth. He is the end of all things.

* Rajinikanth does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die.

* A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Rajinikanth and that you will be handicapped if you park there.

* Rajinikanth' calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Rajinikanth.

* If you spell Rajinikanth wrong on Google it doesn't say, "Did you mean Rajinikanth?" It simply replies, "Run while you still have the chance."

* Once a cobra bit Rajinikanth' leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.

* When Rajinikanth gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.

* Rajinikanth can kill two stones with one bird.

* Rajinikanth was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.

* Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Rajinikanth can kill 100 percent of whatever he wants.

* There is no such thing as global warming. Rajinikanth was cold, so he turned the sun up.

* Rajinikanth can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

* Rajinikanth has a deep and abiding respect for human life… unless it gets in his way.

* It takes Rajinikanth 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.

* Rajinikanth once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!"

* In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Rajinikanth could use to kill you, including the room itself.

* Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Rajinikanth.

* Rajinikanth destroyed the periodic table, because Rajinikanth only recognizes the element of surprise.

* Rajinikanth got his drivers license at the age of 16 Seconds.

* With the rising cost of gasoline, Rajinikanth is beginning to worry about his drinking habit.

* The square root of Rajinikanth is pain. Do not try to square Rajinikanth, the result is death.

* When you say "no one's perfect", Rajinikanth takes this as a personal insult.

* Rajnikanth doesn't wear a watch, He decides what time it is.

* Rajinikanth has counted to infinity – twice.

* When Rajinikanth does a pushup, He isn't lifting himself up but He's pushing the earth down.

* RajiniKanth killed the Dead Sea.

* Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither, Rajinikanth is always first.

* Rajinikanth doesn't defecate. Nothing can scare the shit out of him.

* Rajinikanth doesn't believe in the laws of physics. Hence, they do not exist.

* USA could not find any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Rajinikanth lives in Chennai!

* There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Rajinikanth has allowed to live.

And my Fav :)

* Rajinikanth's email id –

ICICI Bank phishing fraud case

The Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu jolted Indian Bankers out of their cozy slumber by his decision on April 12, 2010 in the case of Umashankar Sivasubramaniam Vs ICICI Bank. In this case, the adjudicator PWC Davidar held ICICI Bank liable to pay damages to the extent of Rs 12.85 lakh on an alleged "phishing" fraud incident involving fraudulent transfer of an amount of Rs 6.46 lakh. In the ICICI Bank phishing fraud case, the Adjudicator clearly documents reasons why he considers it necessary to hold the bank liable not only to repay the involved amount, but also interest and other expenses.

In my opinion, ICICI Bank should be glad that it escaped with only a financial liability instead of also being held liable for criminal liabilities under several sections of the Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) and the Indian Penal Code (IPC). There was (and still is), a possibility that criminal liabilities would have stuck onseveral officials of the bank for this phishing fraud incident, including Managers of two of its branches, the CISO, the Directors and the Chairman of the Bank, as well as resulted in jail sentence for the officials.
The ICICI Bank phishing fraud case judgment is a landmark judgment in India for several reasons, some of which can be highlighted here.

1. It is a revelation for many in India to realize that there is a judicial office called the "Adjudicator", which it can deliver such decisions. Though Adjudicators are in place for every State and Union Territory in India since March 25, 2003, few have recognized their presence and role. There have been hundreds of phishing fraud cases involving banks over the past few years in India, and a few customers have tried to take legal action for recovery of their losses. However, most phishing fraud victims have approached the Banking Ombudsman or consumer courts in the past. The ICICI bank phishing fraud case was the first instance when a victim recognized the correct jurisdiction for such disputes, and approached the Adjudicator.

Read the complete article here.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

China reports millions of Conficker worm infections

China last year hosted more than one in four of the world's computers infected with a major variant of the Conficker worm,
according to an official report, highlighting the wide reach of malware inside the country.

China had about 7 million Internet Protocol (IP) addresses infected with Conficker B at the end of last year, according to
a recent annual security report posted on the Web site of China's National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team
(CNCERT). The number of infections varied during the second half of the year, which the report covered, but was higher than
5 million during all but one week.

The huge figures gave China up to 28 percent of the world's Conficker B infections depending on the week, the report shows.

The controllers of Conficker so far have hardly used their network of infected computers, but they could potentially use it
to launch a crippling denial-of-service attack by ordering all of the computers to contact a victim server at the same time.

Read the Complete Article here.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Compress to multiple volume RAR

To compress a big video file, movie.avi and split it into multiple files, each size up to 12MB,

rar a -m5 -v12m myarchive movie.avi

A list of files (myarchive.part1.rar, myarchive.part2.rar, ..) will be created in current directory.

You may change the compression quality, -m5 is the best and the slowest, while -m0 do no compression at all (-m3 is default).

If you prefer the old file naming style (myarchive.rar, myarchive.r00, myarchive.r01, ..), add one extra switch -vn before the archive name.

To uncompress the files (myarchive.part1.rar, myarchive.part2.rar, ..),

rar e myarchive.part1.rar
more if you want to password protect the same, just add -p flag at the end and it will ask you to type password two times.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Presenting the true condigtion of Muslims in Gujarat and India


For some years, to spit venom against the Govt. of Gujarat, has become a fashion statement.
And, mind well, many of them are utter lies with malicious intentions and they have been spread throught India. The truth regarding Gujarat Govt.’s intentions and Shri Narendra Modi’s policies have not been projected in the accurate light. These lies propagate that Muslims are severely discriminated against and persecuted in Gujarat. It is a malevolent attempt by anti-Gujarat elements and political enmity to break the spinal cord of fast track progress rate of today’s Gujarat and to strike a blow on the good governance led by Shri Narendra Modi. Misconceptualations and Misinterpretentions have become the back bone of their Modi and Gujarat bashing agenda.
As a result of this campaign, it has been widely projected all around that Muslims in Gujarat are economically and socially segregated and are living in extremely backward conditions.This is far from the truth.
The conditions of Muslims has become the strongly debatable issue by the Congress led UPA Govt. at the centre.. In the year 2006, the Hon. P.M. Shri Manmohan Singh appointed a high power committee headed by the Honorable Justice Shri Rajinder Sachar. This committee was requested to undertake a detailed study of the economic, social and educational conditions of Muslims in the whole of India. The Sachar Committee after the thorough study has submitted a detailed report of over 400 pages. This report is like a shining Sun risen to dispel darkness created by widespread lies about Gujarat. This carefully compiled report projects that the Muslims are happiest in Gujarat. These survey done by a committee initiated by the UPA Govt. illuminates the fact that so called “activists” and “columnist” are deploying their energy and resources to intentionally destroy the harmony among the people of Gujarat.
Muslims are the happiest in Gujarat and how far the anti-Gujarat elements have harmed the interests of Muslims, opens up clearly in front of your eyes...
Muslims in educational field.. {Sachar Committee Report:Page 287]
Literacy Rate for all Indians : 64.8%                      Literacy rate in Gujarat :69.1%
Literacy rate for Hindus in India :65.1%                Literacy rate for Hindus in Gujarat :68.3%
Literacy rate for Muslims in India :59.1% {5 points lower than India average}       Literacy rate for Muslims in Gujarat :73.5% {8 points higher than India average.}

Literacy rate in urban areas..{Sachar Committee report:page 287}
All Indians : India Urban 80%                      Gujarat Urban 82%
Muslims :India Urban 70%                           Gujarat Urban 76%
Muslim Males : India Urban 76%                Gujarat Urban :84%
Muslim females: India Urban 63%               Gujarat Urban 68%

Literacy rate in rural areas :{Sachar Committee report: page 287}
All Indians : India Rural 59%                            Gujarat Rural 61%
Muslims All : India Rural 59%                          Gujarat Rural 61%
Muslim Males : India Rural 62%                      Gujarat Rural 81%
Muslim Females :India Rural 43%                    Gujarat Rural 57%
One of the noticeable features of education among Muslims in Gujarat is, most Muslims are obtaining mainstream education and very low number of Muslim students are studying in Madrassas than the other states. They are educated in Govt. or Private Schools with the students of other religions. [NCERT Survey]
Number of Villages where population of Muslims is more than 1000 and there is no facility of a school..{Sachar Committee Report, page no. 294}
In the year 2001..
Gujarat had 6 such villages in comparison to 827 in West Bengal and 1365 in Uttar Pradesh.
but today, Gujarat can boastfully announce that this folly has been completelt eradicated and there is no such village without the school facility..

MUSLIMS IN GOVERNMENT SERVICES: {Sachar Committee Report:Page no. 371}
home department:[proportion of Muslims in high posts]
States                      Proportion of Muslims in total populations, in %                      Proportion of Muslims in high posts, in %
Gujarat                                                 9.1%                                                                    7.9%
West Bengal                                        25.2%                                                                 16.6%
Maharashtra                                         10.6%                                                                 1.9%
Kerala                                                   24.7%                                                                 7.3%
Assam                                                   30.9%                                                                  2.o%
Delhi                                                     11.7%                                                                  4.o%


BANK ACCOUNT AND BALANCE AMOUNT [YEAR 2002 TO 2005, Sachar Committee Report: page no.351]
Gujarat..                                 Account wise average of Muslims Rs. 32,932.
West Bengal                         Account wise average of Muslims Rs. 13,824
Assam                                   Account wise average of Muslims Rs. 26,319

This means that Muslims are comfortable to save more in Gujarat, while the economic conditions of Muslims in West Bengal and Assam are extremely bad.

PER CAPITA INCOME, PER MONTH OF MUSLIMS :{Sachar Committee Report: page 365}
Rural Sector: Gujarat-Rs. 668 [Hindus Rs. 644, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Rs. 527 and other backward classes Rs. 594]
West Bengal –Rs. 501
Assam –Rs. 511
Andhra Pradesh- Rs. 610
Orissa-Rs. 447
Uttar Pradesh- Rs.509.

PER CAPITA INCOME, PER MONTH OF MUSLIMS :{Sachar Committee Report: page no. 364.}
Urban Sector : Gujarat-Rs. 875
West Bengal- Rs. 748
Andhra Pradesh- Rs. 803
Uttar Pradesh- Rs. 662
Orissa- Rs. 785
This statistics by Central Govt. led committee have presented a clear and ingenuous picture. This report is a befitting reply to those who are ever active to defame Gujarat.
The Sachar Committee Report has arrived as a ray of Truth in the midst of darkness created by the storm of lies. Policies and Projects, in Gujarat are not decided on the basis of religion, neither by the C.M. NOR BY THE Gujarat Administration.. but purely on the basis of impartial distribution. All Welfare Schemes are implemented without any kind of discriminations.
Most importantly, Muslims also have to recognize those elements, who utilize them as their VOTEBANK only. They also have to understand that other states have givewn lesser support to Muslims and they are left suffering economically, socially and provided with lesser educational opportunity.
The misrepresentation and ignorance of factual conditions has been taken to excessive lengths to drive their unfavourable agenda. The campaign of falsity against Gujarat should end and there should be joint efforts to work towards communal harmony and equality for all the interests of our country.

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to capture data from remote Computer?

Wireshark Remote Capturing

This short tutorial is without screenshots but a slightly more advanced usecase of Wireshark, namely doing the capture on one box and visualize the captured data in realtime on another box.


The following article describes the way I installed and used the software, I do not issue any guarantee that the same way works for you. You should have some basic knowledge doing things in a shell. As Wireshark runs on a wide variety of platforms, this should work on nearly every platform which are supported by Wireshark and Open-SSH. In my case Debian and Ubuntu were involved.

1. The Problem

It happened that we had some subtle problems regarding DNS, namely regarding Reverse-DNS. Our setup is simple, we have local DNS Servers which forward all queries they can not resolve to an uplink DNS, which should take care for the further nameresolution. The uplink DNS is administrated by another organisation, which led to the usual fingerpointing "we are no guilty, our equipment performs well, we have to invoice you the costs, blabla ...". Sigh. So I thought about how this problem could be further analyzed, and quickly remembered my system described in Perfect I thought, the box is already sitting next to the uplink, and it should easily be possible to monitor all traffic which rushes over the uplink, and to have a look on all DNS related traffic, to see what happens.

My first idea was to install Wireshark directly on this box, and with the help of a little X11-forwarding to see whats going on on the uplink. But there was not enough diskspace to install Wireshark and the whole X11 related libraries.

2. The Solution

My next idea was to capture the traffic on the probe into a file, copy this file to my normal box, and read it into Wireshark. But how cumbersome, long-winded, copying files around or at least mount drives over the net. But the solution is so simple. Install tshark (the textmode related little brother of Wireshark) on the probe, call it remotely with the help of ssh, and directly pipe the output of tshark into Wireshark! This solution is from the Wireshark Wiki, but the simplicity enthused and amazed me to write this short Tutorial.

* Setup passwordless ssh login on the probe like described for instance in here, and check that it's working.
* On your local box where your Wireshark sits and waits to do something beneficial simply call it by

wireshark -k -i <( ssh -l root IP-of-probe /usr/bin/tshark -i eth0 -w - port 53 )

and enjoy. The traffic is filtered on the probe, so that you are not knocked down by the vast amount of packages which may travel over your uplink. The captured traffic is transported over a safe, encrypted ssh connection from the probe to the visualization box and you can see in real time whats going on on the uplink.

In my case I did not need to filter out the ssh traffic (as in the example in the Wireshark Wiki), because the sniffing is done on eth0, and the ssh traffic runs over eth1.There are other methods described in the Wireshark Wiki using named pipes, but this method using ssh looked like the easiest to set up to me.

One little problem I had while doing this, that ending Wireshark did not end tshark on the probe, but a
kill tshark
on the probe helped, or, if you are not logged in into the probe

ssh root@probe pkill tshark
should also work.

Regarding our DNS problem I could immidiately see whats going on. ;-)
Find the updated article Here

Sunday, March 14, 2010

તમને ખબર ? – રવીન્દ્ર પારેખ

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
સ્તબ્ધતાએ આદરી દીધી સફર.

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
શૂન્યતા હસતી રહે અર્થોસભર.

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
- ને ક્ષણો પીગળ્યા કરે સૂરજ ઉપર.

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
- ને અહીં શબ્દો ભમે ભીંતો વગર.

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
ઝાંઝવાનું નામ અહીંયા માનસર !

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
ક્યાં હવે એમાં મળે ટહુકાનું ઘર ?

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
કોણ પડછાયાને ઉલેચે અરર !

રેત, તડકો ને સ્મરણનું આ નગર,
છે સ્મરણમાં પણ મરણ, તમને ખબર ?

- રવીન્દ્ર પારેખ

રવીન્દ્રભાઈ સ્વભાવે પ્રયોગશીલ છે. અહીં આખી ગઝલમાં ઉલા મિસરા (પહેલી કડી)ને ગઝલના રદીફની જેમ જાળવી રાખીને બાકીની એક લીટી જેટલી સાંકડી જગ્યામાં એમણે આઠ શેર કહેવાનું સાહસ કર્યું છે જે ભાવકોના (સદ્)ભાગ્યે સફળ થયું છે.

કવિ જે નગરની વાત કરી રહ્યા છે એ રેતી, તડકા અને સ્મરણનું બનેલું છે… ત્રણેય કલ્પનો પર એક સાથે ધ્યાન આપીએ તો કેટલીક અર્થચ્છાયાઓ ઉપસી આવે છે. ત્રણેય પકડી શકાતા નથી, ત્રણેય પકડાય એનાથી વિશેષ છટકતા રહે છે, ત્રણેય સ્થિર નથી રહેતા અને ત્રણેયનો આકાર પણ ક્ષણેક્ષણ બદલાતો રહે છે… ત્રણેય કદાચ ભીનાશના અભાવ સાથે પણ સંકળાયેલા છે…

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Busy Start of the year in the area of Internet freedom and security

First, Google  reported that it, along with a bunch of other major companies, had been hacked, and pointed the finger at China.

Then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gave a few "Remarks on Internet Freedom" in which she pushed for one Internet, without barriers.
Separately, the Federal Trade Commission notified about 100 companies that some of their secrets had been exposed by employees who were running peer-to-peer software.

Finally the Internet security firm NetWitness said that it had figured out that 75,000 computers at 2,500 companies had been compromised with the ZeuS Trojan starting in 2008.

Nope - not a good start to 2010. I would like to think that things will quiet down some for the rest of the year but it does not look like that will happen.

In early January, Google announced that it had been hacked from China, that the hackers seemed to be after the gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists and that Google was going to review "feasibility of our business operations in China." .Well, that caused quite a splash. Google's accusation fit so well with the general public perception of China's approach to the Internet that it was easy to assume that the hacking was directed by the Chinese government.

Properly, she did not hide the fact that communication over the Internet can be used for good (human rights activists) and evil (terrorists).

But she said that "this issue isn't just about information freedom; it is about what kind of world we want and what kind of world we will inhabit. It's about whether we live on a planet with one Internet, one global community, and a common body of knowledge that benefits and unites us all, or a fragmented planet in which access to information and opportunity is dependent on where you live and the whims of censors."

She, clearly, was on the side of one Internet.

Meanwhile, ex-NSA director Mike McConnell, writing in the Washington Post, had a different take. He said that "we need to reengineer the Internet to make attribution, geolocation, intelligence analysis and impact assessment -- who did it, from where, why and what was the result -- more manageable."

Maybe companies that connect to the Internet need to be more careful  and, in particular, companies that sell computers that connect to the Internet need to actually make security a primary concern and post fixes to vulnerabilities a lot faster than they do now.

I'd rather Clinton's Internet than McConnell's, but I recognize that the latter seems attractive to those who only look at the security problem and ignore the freedom one.

Read Complete News

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to create and use Live USB - Fedora 11 / Fedora 12

How to Make a bootable USB Drive to Install Fedora 11/ Fedora 12 instead of using a physical DVD

Why would I want to make a usbkey installer from the DVD instead of the LiveCD?

If you are installing to a netbook, or otherwise do not have an optical drive (or burner, or media), and you want the extra flexibility of using the regular DVD installer instead of the Live image, then this method will give a useful install medium. You are then free to customize package selection, choose which filesystem you prefer for your rootfs (ext3 OR ext4, btrfs, etc), and rescue mode is available.

Preparing the usbkey

The easiest setup method is to install and use unetbootin, since Fedora's own liveusb-creator and livecd-tools' (except for an unofficial patched version) currently do not support putting the DVD installer on USB.

The manual setup method follows:

Firstly download the iso file Fedora-11/12-i386/x86_64-DVD.iso () from a Fedora mirror. Then loop mount the iso on a local mount point such as /mnt/tmp

# mount -o loop /path-to-iso/Fedora-11/12-i386/x86_64-DVD.iso /mnt/tmp

Now plug in the usbkey and then copy the main iso file as well as the images directory from the /mnt/tmp/ directory to the root directory of the usbkey.

# cp /path-to-iso/Fedora-11/12-i386/x86_64-DVD.iso /media/usbdisk/<br /># cp -r /mnt/tmp/images /media/usbdisk/<br />

Next download the boot.iso file from a rawhide mirror from the development/i386/os/images/ directory on the mirror and store it on your computer's hard drive.

From your running F11/F12 system (including an F11/F12 livecd) make sure you have the livecd-tools package installed by doing:

yum install livecd-tools 

Use the "mount" command to find where the usbkey is (e.g. /dev/sdb1) or look at /var/log/messages to find where the key was mounted. Next umount the usbkey either from the desktop icon or using the umount command - but keep a note of where the usbkey is e.g. /dev/sdb1

Now as root run:

# livecd-iso-to-disk path-to/boot.iso /dev/sdb1 

If the key is not bootable then refer to the information below to make it bootable otherwise this command will fail.

Now you should have a bootable usbkey which will run an F11/F12 install. When you boot the key select a hard drive install and select the drive as /dev/sdb1 (or your usbkey drive) and the path should be /

The remainder of the install should be the same as for using a DVD in an optical drive, but when you select options make sure that you select your disk partitioning carefully if you are doing custom partitioning and also make sure that the bootloader is installed on the correct drive (by default it will be installed on the usbkey so you will need to change it to the master boot record on the hard drive.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

What the great had said about the master blaster Sachin Tendulkar.

Sachin lovers....

                                                             @Hashim Amla

"Nothing bad can happen to us if we're on a plane in India with Sachin
Tendulkar on it."
Hashim Amla, the South African batsman, reassures himself as he boards a

@yaseer hameed

"Sometimes you get so engrossed in watching batsmen like Rahul Dravid and
Sachin Tendulkar that you lose focus on your job."

"To Sachin, the man we all want to be"

- What Andrew Symonds wrote on an aussie t-shirt he autographed specially
for Sachin

Beneath the helmet, under that unruly curly hair, inside the cranium, there
is something we don't know, something beyond scientific measure. Something that allows him to soar, to roam a territory of sport that, forget us, even those who are gifted enough to play alongside him cannot even fathom. When he goes out to bat, people switch on their TV sets and switch off their lives"
BBC on Sachin

But the finest compliment must be that bookmakers would not fix the odds -
or a game - until Tendulkar was out.

"Tuzhe pata hai tune kiska catch chhoda hai?"

Wasim Akram to Abdul Razzaq
when the latter dropped Sachin's catch.

@Brian Charles Lara  

Sachin is a genius. I'm a mere mortal.

@Mark Taylor

"We did not lose to a team called India...we lost to a man called Sachin"

Mark Taylor, during the test match in Chennai (1997)

@M. L. Jaisimha:

"The more I see of him the more confused I'm getting to which is his best


"The joy he brings to the millions of his countrymen, the grace with which
he handles all the adulation and the expectations and his innate humility -all make for a one-in-a-billion individual"

@Wife Anjali

"I can be hundred per cent sure that Sachin will not play for a minute
longer when he is not enjoying himself. He is still so eager to go out there and play. He will play as long as he feels he can play,"

by HAYDEN - i feel is the best SACHIN QUOTE

he said


"Even my father's name is Sachin Tendulkar."

Tendulkar's daughter, Sara, tells her class her father's name after the
teacher informs them of a restaurant of the same name in Mumbai


I am fortunate that I've to bowl at him only in the nets!

@ shahrukh

quoting Shahrukh from an interview

Que: Who do you think as most important celebrity ?

Shahrukh: There was a big party where stars from bollywood and cricket were
invited. Suddenly, there was a big noise, all wanted to see approaching Amitabh Bachhan.
Then Sachin entered the hall and Amitabh was leading the queue to get a
grab of the GENIUS!!

@Navjot Singh Sidhu

India me aap PrimeMinister ko ek Baar Katghare me khada kar sakte hain..Par
Sachin Tendulkar par Ungli nahi utha Sakte..

@waqar younis

He can play that leg glance with a walking stick also .

A banner once said-

that quiet defines Sachin-The greatest.

Sachin Tendulkar has often reminded me of a veteran army colonel who has
many medals on his chest to show how he has conquered bowlers all over the world
-- Allan Donald

And i remember reading in one of Allan Donald's interview. This interview
was in Cricket Talk and 7-8 yrs ago.

I was bowling to Sachin and he hit me for two fours in a row. One from
point and the other in between point and gully. That was the last two balls of the over and the over after that we (SA) took a wicket and during the group meeting i told Jonty (Rhodes) to be alert and i know a way to pin Sachin. And i delivered the first ball of my next over and it was a fuller length delevery outside offstump. And i shouted catch. To my astonishment the ball was hit to the cover boundary. Such was the brilliance of Sachin. His reflex time is the best i have ever seen. Its like 1/20th of a sec. To get his wicket better not prepare. Atleast
u wont regret if he hits you for boundaries.

Peter Rebouck - aussie journalist

On a train from Shimla to Delhi, there was a halt in one of the stations.
The train stopped by for few minutes as usual. Sachin was nearing century, batting on 98. The passengers, railway officials, everyone on the train waited for Sachin to complete the century. This Genius can stop time in India!!

NKP Salve, former Union Minister

This was when he was accused of ball tempering

"Sachin cannot cheat. He is to cricket what (Mahatma) Gandhiji was to
politics. It's clear discrimination."

Andy Flower:

There are 2 kind of batsmen in the world. One Sachin Tendulkar. Two all the

Hemanshu Patel