Friday, August 28, 2009

First Rape and the capital Punishment: Is this Humanity?

All girls declared to be given capital punishment and who are vergin, are brutally being raped before their execution in Prison of Iran. Iran's Baisli Milishiya, does such sort of inhuman conduct with vrigin woman prisonors. And do you know why girls are raped? They are raped because its their reliegion's rule that vergin girls can not be executed in capital punishment. This scandle was exposed by a gard of Milishiya prison.

He informed a daily newspaper editor that, when he was 18 years old, he was getting married with virgin gilr who was sentensed capital punishment in prison. And then he was asked to have sex or rape her. According to islamic rule of Iran, Virgin girls can not be executed in capital punishment. So a day ago that girls is forcefully, got married to some one and then forced to have sex with him, and on second day she has been executed.

Guard also informed that this marriage is legal. He added that, the thought of rape before her execution of capital punishment itself, make the mental condition of victim very bad. Forcible sex that she had to do with someone is worst then capital punishment. Guard told that, he remembers an incident with such virgin girl, when he raped that girl before the day she was to be executed, he became so angry with himselft that he started cursing himself and punished his body.
In no holy book of any religion, this can be legal. I am hindu, but accordign to one of my old friend, islam gives so much respects to women. There can never be such legal rule about the execution of virgin gilr, which allows some psycho people to rape a girl. I am asking to user about their views for this inhuminitarian act.


  1. No religion preaches evil, ppl who are evil minded doing all these things in the name of godevery one has to condemn this.why don't well educated, influential ppl from Muslim community raise their voice and condemn this. We are not animals, god gave us small mind start using that u coward policymakers

  2. Yes, very true.
    Revolutions withing Islam can be started from Educated Muslims only, other religion ppls can help but it has to start with Broad minded muslims only.
