Tuesday, September 1, 2009

care aged persons as much as children

                   'The Book of Mirdad' is the collection of Good sayings to own friends and folowers by Midrad. Mirdad has pointed towards many of recent time's issues. One of them is about our behaviour towards Aged peoples in Society. He told that we shows extensive care towards children, we take care of little things, we grew them with so much love. Why do we need to take care of children? Its because he is dependant upon us, so we need to take care of him.But take care of aged peoples in society is as important as our care towards childrens.

                    There is one very famous line from bollywood movie, and i would like to translate it for you. It says: "Parents took care of child as a precious diamond in as small house as one room, but that child dont want to give a single room in his wonderland to his parents".

              Do you thing the point of view of the generation before us, for us is right? Are we really such stupid? Are we really dont care about our parents? I am very sorry to say but yes, almost 90% of us people dont want to takre care of our parents. Children and aged peoples need support of other equally. But fact is that everyone is ready to help children, but people wont help aged ones. And sometime rather then showing your love and gratitude, our generation shows hatred and carelessness. We take care of our dog or cat more than our old peoples. Is it what they deserve? we shouldnt forget that if they wont be there, we would not have been here.

                Mirdad critisized by saying that, parents are very eager for his children to grow up, and more than that childrens are eager in worrying that when those unwanted and unrequired peoples in corner of your house dies. saint of bebolon, Mirad says that - today who are old, and who wants your hand for your love, affection. what they havent done for your life to be happy? How can you forget the mother who has taken care of you for nine months inside her body? How can you forget who might had sleept empty stomach, so that you can take your food well. who have done everything they can to fulfil your desire. Today thay are aged, not as strong as they were, can not take care of themselves... so will we leave them?

               Just dont forget, what you do in this world, almighty has made arrangement to gave it back to you in this very world. You are also going to grow aged one day.

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